英国版“阳光姐妹淘”有个爱你懂你陪你走过生老病死的闺密是多么美好的事情啊英伦美丽画风刷出接近满格的感动温暖的爱人和小孩家庭真温暖 看完就想打给那些年陪我一起成长的女孩:Hey, miss you already... 最后的结局端木云是说他们两家人一起住了 两个女孩的老公都好好啊 Jess对Milly的陪伴见证她所有幸福与不幸福重要时刻ups and downs对她包容见证彼此的一切共同度过所有重要的时光真好
As a colored woman back in the 60's, you have to earn dignity with all your strength and intelligence, your hard work and accurate precise calculation, contribution to the career, I'm not a racist, I love women with beauty minds, and the music in this movie is NOT BAD at all.